Silent powerhouse

29 March 2013

AstroVac® introduces the silent MK20 vacuum unit. With its powerful 2-stage motor as well as its low noise production, this vacuum unit is ideally suited for houses and flats up to approx. 750 m³ (floor space 300 m²). Modest in size and low in maintenance.

MK20 vacuum unit with filter

Electronic speed control

As standard, the MK20 vacuum unit is suitable for an ETR hose with electronic speed control on the handle. Not only does this allow the vacuum unit to be switched on and off remotely; the motor speed is also infinitely adjustable. Powerful when needed; economical when possible.

High-efficiency filter

The vacuum unit is equipped with a connection to discharge the filtered air to the outside via a facade or roof duct. Is making a ducted air outlet to the outside not possible or allowed? Even then, the MK20 is an excellent choice! By using sealable high-efficiency dust bags, making an air outlet to the outside is always possible, but not necessary.


The MK20 vacuum unit comes with a 5-year warranty.

Ordering information

Technical data, dimensional sketch and current price can be found at here
